One of the benefits of living overseas is all the new places that we get to explore. For us Rome has always been on our short list of places that we would love to experience. New Years provided us with the perfect opportunity to visit this one of a kind city. We enjoyed seeing all of the regular amazing sights, but we also liked finding those hidden gems of travel. One thing we all said about Rome.... IT WAS COLD!!!! I guess our blood has thinned from living in Beirut and its moderate temperatures. The first place we went was of course the Roman Coliseum! Usually when we travel we do not go for the guided tour, it just seems to take away from the experience for us. For some reason we stopped to talk to one of the people who were selling tours and stumbled onto a truly amazing experience. Here are some of the many pictures that we took of this amazing building.
It was a very beautiful morning and this was one of our first views of the coliseum
As I mentioned we took an amazing tour of the building, One of the areas that was included was down in the dungeons where the gladiators and animals were kept. This area is only open to special tour groups under 20 people. Our group was the only group in here during our allotted time
Family picture time.... we were freezing!
During its first two years of existence the Romans fought naval battles on the coliseum floor. This is one of the ways in which water was let in. Water was flowing through it when we were there.
A view of the dungeons and the floor
A tour group on the floor
Our group on the floor of the Coliseum. This again was part of the special tour that the general public did not get to do.
Our little Roman in her colorful hat!
Not many people realize this but the Coliseum is a consecrated Christian place because one of the Popes saved it from destruction by declaring it a holy place. Christians were put to death in the arena thus the reason why it was consecrated.
A view from another restricted areas. This is from the top where the slaves and women watched the games. The tour was a great deal because we saw the restricted areas, the Roman Forum, and we did not have to wait in line.... best 50 Euros we spent on the whole trip!