Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Reflection of the Past Year in Photos

 As we begin our 4th year of teaching here at the American Community School at Beirut, here are some pictures from last year. While I could have posted many, these are some of my favorite and a reflection of why I love living here. (There is no particular order)

Walking home along the Corniche
Some really yummy things you can buy at the farmer's market.

a vegetable stand

A street fair in the Ashrafieh Neighborhood

These cows are upside down at a restaurant we went to for lunch one day

Yummy kibbeh and pastries at the farmer's market

Inside Beaufort Castle in the South

On the AUB wall walking to school. The jasmine smells so nice

Temporary work of art on the American University of Beirut campus.

The Grand Mosque with the Church next to it in Beirut

A sweets and nuts market/shop in the Bourj Hammoud Neighborhood

At the Makdisi Street Fair

A view of the snow on the mountains

Beaufort Castle again in the South

A herd of goats in the south

Awesome food.  The kabobs are under the bread so they stay warm.

Beaufort Castle from below

Political Art on the Israeli wall

Another lovely sunset

Smudge sticks being sold at the farmer's market

Art at the Beirut Souks

Graffiti art being created around the corner from our apartment. I guess it's advertising some TV show

A great picture of a good friend

The Castle at Sidon/Saida

A view of Sidon/Saida from inside the castle

Funny Chips

Sweets in the Saida Souks

Some yummy appetizers

The street cats between our school and the university next door

Palm Island

Khalil Gibran - Author and Artist

Another good friend

At Baalbek


More Baalbek

In Dier el Qamar

Southeast of Beirut

In the mountains overlooking the South Bekaa Valley

The view from Douma


Qadisha Valley

A house on the floor of Qadisha Valley

At the top of Qadisha Valley 

One of my favorite old buildings in Beirut. Happily this one is being renovated and not torn down.
A stormy/sunny winter day on the corniche

Tabouleh salad in cabbage leaves

Qadisha Valley

What grows when the water faucet drips.

Art outside of Jeita Grotto

A rare selfie of me and our first visitor here at Byblos/Jbeil