Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First The Depths of Lebanon

How do you describe the most beautiful place you have ever seen?  This is my dilemma as I try and post about the Jeita Grotto.  Jeita is truly a hidden gem of the world.  Most Americans have never even heard of this place unless they happen to travel to Lebanon. (Myself included) Last Sunday our school provided a trip to this place and to say that it was spectacular would be a great understatement!!!  Jeita really should be one the 7 wonders of the natural world.  The first cave that we visited was over 500 meters long, with a concrete path directing you over the length of the cave.  At its height it is between¼ to ½ a mile from ceiling to floor.    I imagine that you could visit this place a hundred times and still see something different each time.  The second cave is much smaller, but just as dramatic because you explore this cave by boat.  The boat ride probably takes 15 minutes and really gives you a different perspective.  The water is so cleat that you can see all the way to bottom in many places.  Simply put this place is amazing and would warrant a trip to Lebanon just to see it!!!

                                         This is the upper cave showing the concrete path

 These pictures came from the internet because pictures are not allowed to be taken inside the caves....More pics to follow...


  1. To post a comment you must subscribe to the feed which is below....I just did the top one and it seemed to work fine.

  2. Gondolas--not just for skiing anymore! This is so cool!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
