Okay, impressions of Sofia....everything I would think a post Soviet capital city would look like. Large row houses of apartments with the required playground in the middle. Everything felt like it had a light coat of coal dust on it. Sofia in in a valley as well so I can imagine that the fog or pollution would just sit in the bowl. The buildings were old and yet some were just HUGE!! Like look at how big our government building can be!
The school was just outside of Sofia. It was very new. Interesting to walk through a 3 year old school now that I have been working in a school building that's over 100 years old.
The people at this school were very friendly. There was a meet and greet for all of the conference members after Saturdays training. I met enthusiastic educators from Denmark, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and the trainers from California and Canada. More and more I'm finding that the community of international teachers is a small one. Tracie could pretty much ask anyone if they knew someone from somewhere and they would. She's been to 7 different countries teaching.
After training, we were dropped off a another hotel and had to walk to ours. The wind was blowing and we were freezing but I did get a few pictures taken. My hands were shaking..sorry. The first three pictures are of the "Cultural Center Park" The artwork on the third one was very post Soviet in nature but I couldn't read what it was about.
The picture below is of the main shopping road. It pedestrian only. At the end is a very large government building.
These pictures below are random shots I thought were neat buildings.
The picture above ended up being a bank but I really liked the old building.
This picture is a public school we drove past.
I really liked this old church. Like Lebanon, Bulgaria is mixed with Muslim and Christian
believers. The picture below is the HUGE building. there are two lions in front of it. They are bigger than the cars in front. One looked like it had just been cleaned and was shiny. The other was black and dirty.
Above is my Caramel Macciato. Not quite the same as Starbucks but it was really yummy! I really missed my family and yet what an experience to see another country in one weekend!
Hello there and Merry Christmas! We are having the time of our lives traveling around the world with you. Thank you so much for your posts. We miss you today and we promise we will NOT have prime rib today :) God Bless your family! Keep in touch and stay safe - Dan & Kim