Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spring Break Part 1

Sorry it has been a while since our last post, but the whole family has really been busy with a variety of activities.  Midge and Delaney performed in the Spring Concert, both kids are in plays, and Midge and I are both very active in school activities.   Needless to say...WE ALL NEEDED A BREAK!!!  Here are a few of the things that have been going on during or just before break.

Our friends Brittany and Dillon are expecting their first child and the staff of the school decided to host a baby shower for them.  We held the shower at our apartment because we have the best space for hosting.  Midge and a few other ladies on staff did a great job organizing a fun day.

Brittany and Dillon filling out the "Baby Quiz"

One of the flower arrangements
The cake from a local bakery...The writing on the cake refers to Brittany and Dillon's last name.

Talar and Zeineb with Elizabeth in the background.  Three friends that we have made in Lebanon.
Elizabeth, Midge, Sharon and Claire

Several months ago, Janna was given a bicycle.  The tires were flat and it needed a little TLC, but it is now back on the road and we decided to go down to the Corniche  to test it out.  It was a really windy day, but a fun couple of hours.

Janna on her first ride on the Corniche

Taking a break to enjoy the waves

One thing we love to do is watch the waves during a storm!

A very windy day!

On our way back, the Corniche was blocked off and we could see this family repeatedly throwing something into the water.  We thought they were high ranking people from the gulf states because who else could block the Corniche.  We quickly figured out that they were filming a scene for a movie and these actors were repeatedly trying to get the scene right!

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