Monday, April 27, 2015

Larnaca: Of Beaches and Camels

Well, first, so sorry it has taken so long to post. Our computer died and we have had some complications getting our blog up and running again.

Now, on to Cyprus! This will hopefully be one of a couple of posts.  During spring break we went to this wonderful island and had a great time. Spring break is just before the tourist season really gets going on Cyprus so it was a great opportunity for us to look around and not deal with crowds. I would recommend visiting Cyprus. It was truly a great adventure. Only one drawback....DRIVING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD! Yes, that was a little nerve wracking!
Here are some pictures of where we started, Larnaca.

We arrived very late and therefore started out early looking around Larnaca.  We spent the day looking around the waterfront area. There were some great museums, a castle, a corniche and of course, great food!

Right on the waterfront. Behind Tim and the girls was a great photography museum.

I just found this posting interesting. Like everything in southern Cyprus, it is written in Greek and English.

This area is well known for it's needlework. This was in a museum.

Outside of the museum. Love the hands coming out!

The Corniche of Larnaca. Beautiful but not as nice as the one at Beirut!

Like Lebanon, there are many mosques near churches. This one was next to a castle on the water.

View of the Corniche from the top of the castle.

The public beach at Larnaca.
Time for food! Strong Greek AND English influence here.

I was truly in heaven with this Greek salad!

Tim was very happy with his Gyro.

As was Delaney. We all love Gyros!

And of course, a nice cheesy pizza for Janna.

 We went to the Church of Saint Lazarus. Yes, that Lazarus. Once again, we were reminded that much of what we see in this region is truly Biblical history!
Within the church.

Lazarus' bones.

Then, we went into the crypt.
This is where his bones were.
This was the outside of the church.

Yes, it was a blustery day.
After looking through the church we found this great place to take a break. The owner had done all of the artwork. Quirky place but I really loved it!

We did look through the Larnaca Medieval Fort by the water as well.
Truly a beautiful place.

I was so proud of my girls when they were able to read the Arabic that was on display. Didn't understand it but they could read it!

This boardwalk was right next to the Fort.
The next day, we started west, traveling to Pissouri Bay and our wonderful villa. On our way we stopped at a Camel Farm. What an awesome place!
Feeding the camels carob.

Not just camels!

So sorry Mr. Peacock but I don't think the turkey is interested!

Yes, we took a camel ride! this was the view that Janna and I got!

Feeding the juveniles.

This camel was born the morning we were there. Really cute!

This is the end of blog one of our spring break! More to come!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are back on-line and all is well. Thank you again for the amazing pictures and tour from afar.
