Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Beautiful Cedars of Lebanon

Last Sunday we went up to see some of the trees from the Bible, the Cedars of Lebanon. These majestic giants are a protected species here with many trying to save the few that are left.  When we first got there it was in the morning and the day was clear but while we were there the fog rolled in.
In the winter there is snow here.

Thanks to Sharon, we got a great family picture.

A younger tree.

Apparently a man lived in this tree for years.

We got to the top of the hill and this dead tree was there.  There were great places to sit and enjoy. BUT! As we got closer we realized why there were  places to sit. The tree is FULL of carvings. I think every time you see it you will see something new! Such a beautiful work of art!

For some reason, this one was my favorite.

Sharon and the girls.

Fresh water spigot up on the hill. I'm assuming you need a drink in the summer here.

This is the tree in the "family picture above. Yes, the fog came in!
 When we got to the car we realized that getting off the hill was going to be a serious adventure. We could not see 10 feet in front of the car. All of the cars we went by had their hazards blinking.  THEN the torrential rain came along with a serious side wind.  The flooding started and mudslides were everywhere. Rocks were coming down onto the road as well. I have never driven through such high flood waters. It was apparent that there was going to be some serious clean up happening in the small villages after the storm went through.
When we got down to Kousbah we had to stop and have ice cream and there we saw this man heading  down the street with a bunch of cotton candy.  Nothing stops the Lebanese!

Overall it was a great day. A lot of beauty matched with some heart quickening peril. 

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