Sunday, May 28, 2017

On Beirut Cats, Street Art, AUB and more.....

Cats are everywhere here. 
ACS Kitty - We call her "Spot"
Spot is smart, in the winter she sleeps outside the library on these boxes where she can look out the window.
Two more ACS Kitties
This is the road between the American University and our school. Daily, a woman comes and feeds the kitties
Here is another day when they are waiting....
Honest, this one is just sleeping. I woke it up to make sure
Around the corner on the Corniche, this could be the toughest cat in Beirut. Just getting some sun.
Breakfast on the Corniche
This little sweetie was sleeping too
Around the corner from our building....
This one was downtown where someone feeds it daily on their motorcycle 
And at the plant nursery just outside of Beirut
This is a cat that lives on the stairs next to our building. We have named her "Phil's Cat" because she used to sleep on his scooter. Everyone takes care of her. She keeps the bugs and mice away.
And of course, we cannot forget our own Beiruti kitty, Kousa
And her sister, Hadiyeh

Some street art and graffiti. The Lebanese are really talented! I am always looking for good art while walking

One of my favorites

This one and the one below are on the wall that the Israelis built between them and Lebanon.

A work in progress

In Bourj Hammoud, the Armenian Neighborhood

Up near Hamra

Around the corner from our place.

An oldie but goodie.

On Hamra, a little different but I like it

Found this one in an alley off of Hamra

Hard to get a picture of this one because there is always a car parked in front of it on the sidewalk

Quite the statement

I really think this one is thought provoking
Next door to us is the American University at Beirut. A beautiful campus. I figured I would share a few pictures from this lovely place. Sorry it's been so long since a post.

Preparing for AUB graduation

The Chapel where our school's graduation will be

Inside the Chapel

The view from where the orchestra sits for graduation

What they call the Medical Gate, just past is the American University Hospital Complex

In front of the Medical Gate. I love this tree!
 Here are some random pictures of Beirut and Lebanon from this past year.

Our commute to school
A lovely church 

A view from the library where I work/teach

 Hopefully, we will have more time to post next year. This year has been a busy one.

A panoramic of the Corniche just in front of the school

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